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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Zitter Health Insights Panel offer honoraria US $20 to $200 or more

Zitter Health Insights Panel is always looking for more participants for panel to ensure that research is as comprehensive and representative as possible. It is an exclusive network of healthcare professionals.


If you are live in United States, at least 18 years old and a healthcare professional, you can become an active member.

Zitter Health Insights Panel pay US $20 to $200 or more for participation which can be redeem to you account directly.

Types of Survey:
Panel has 4 types of research studies 1. Web-based surveys (max is 60 minutes), 2. Internet assisted teleconferences/web conferences (average 90 minutes), 3. Live telephone interviews (max is 60 minutes) and 4. Live advisory board meetings (1-2 days in length)
If you have any questions about the Zitter Health Insights Panel, contact at: 973 376 1300 X149 or

Joining Fees:
Membership is completely free at Zitter Health Insights Panel.

How do you Join Zitter Health Insights Panel?
If you are ready to Join Zitter Health Insights Panel, you need to fill an online registration form. It is simple and it will take 5 minutes only.

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FREE Join Survey Complete
What Is Market Research? Join Here’s one way to think of it: market research is the gathering and studying of data relating to consumer preferences, purchasing power, etc., especially prior to introducing a product on the market.