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What Is Market Research? Join Here’s one way to think of it: market research is the gathering and studying of data relating to consumer preferences, purchasing power, etc., especially prior to introducing a product on the market.
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

survey community for everyone!

Survey types

There are various types of survey you can participate in.

1. Screening Surveys

Answer few questions on a screening survey and those fulfill the conditions will receive the main survey later.
Points for screening surveys is lower than main survey as number of questions is limited.

2. Main Surveys

Length of main surveys range from 10 questions to around 100 questions.
Points vary depending on the length of survey and are relatively higher than screening surveys.

3. Sample Testing

You will be asked to give your impressions or evaluations on product samples used on a trial basis at your own homes.
In some cases, we send out product samples by post; in other cases, you may be asked to purchase the sample products at a store.

4. Participatory surveys at designated venue

This particular type requires you to attend and answer surveys at a designated venue and time.

5. Participatory discussion session/focus groups

For this survey, you are asked to attend discussion session at a designated venue and time.
In some cases discussion is done using online bulletin boards.
Those who will be asked to attend will be notified after "Screening Surveys".

6. Recruited interviews

If you participate in a recruited interview, you will be asked to be interviewed (appearances) by various media (television, magazines, newspaper, website, etc.).
This interview (appearances) can cover a wide range of topics, but often involve subjects talking about your own experiences or thoughts on a particular event.
Those who will be asked to attend will be notified after "Screening Surveys".

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FREE Join Survey Complete
What Is Market Research? Join Here’s one way to think of it: market research is the gathering and studying of data relating to consumer preferences, purchasing power, etc., especially prior to introducing a product on the market.