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What Is Market Research? Join Here’s one way to think of it: market research is the gathering and studying of data relating to consumer preferences, purchasing power, etc., especially prior to introducing a product on the market.
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Monday, July 8, 2013


Introduction mail

Your task
In most studies you will receive a certain amount of letters over a specific time period, in some studies the participants also send test letters. Your task is to confirm the receipt of each test letter (and possibly the posting dates of test letters) here at this website.
We kindly ask you to enter the data as soon as possible, at least once a week.


What kind of information do we need from you?
In order to guarantee a smooth course of the survey we need your complete postal address and your email-address. If you are interested in participating please register at this website!.

What do I get?
For your participation we will credit you points to your User account depending on the scope of the study. These points can be redeemed for gift vouchers or online payments. We are cooperating with the online payment systems PayPal and Moneybookers and in the field of gift vouchers with Amazon and Globoforce (provider of a variety of vouchers). Furthermore, we can also donate your bonus to the medical aid agency "Doctors Without Borders". Join it Now


American association of Kidney Patients, is fine functioning survey panel of medical professionals around the world. 

The American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP) is providing another way for you to make your voice heard. AAKP created a Survey Panel which allows you to share your experiences with others who want to learn about how kidney disease impacts your life.

The Survey Panel will ask you a few general questions and then asks your permission to contact you in the future regarding detailed topics, such as prescription costs, insurance benefits, treatment options, etc. Joining the AAKP Survey Panel is FREE and as a member your input can influence the products and services offered to kidney patients and their family members. You can also feel secure in knowing the information you provide will only be used by AAKP to ensure you receive surveys that may be of interest to you. AAKP does not rent, sell or trade mailing lists or personal information to third parties.

We invite you to sign up for the AAKP Survey Panel, an important panel of patients, family members and health care providers who provide feedback and opinions about issues related to kidney disease and kidney transplantation. If you are interested in becoming part of the AAKP Survey Panel, please take a few minutes to fill out a brief questionaire to tell us more about yourself. The questionaire takes 3 - 5 minutes to complete. Your personal details will never be given to a third party. AAKP will contact you from time to time for your valuable opinions and experiences with kidney disease. Make your opinion count today by becoming a member of the AAKP Survey Panel! Join AAKP Today
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FREE Join Survey Complete
What Is Market Research? Join Here’s one way to think of it: market research is the gathering and studying of data relating to consumer preferences, purchasing power, etc., especially prior to introducing a product on the market.