Blogger Widgets Join Survey Complete: 02/15/13 FREE Join Survey Complete
What Is Market Research? Join Here’s one way to think of it: market research is the gathering and studying of data relating to consumer preferences, purchasing power, etc., especially prior to introducing a product on the market.
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Friday, February 15, 2013

Become a Mystery Shopper and earn anywhere from $300 or more.

As a mystery shopper you have the ability to observe and rate the service you encounter while shopping or receiving service-and you get paid for your feedback. Your objective feedback is used by companies to measure the customer service that consumers encounter in their stores. Making shopping a better experience, and earning money.

Eligibility :
All account holders must be at least 18 years of age. International mystery shopping offers for all countries mystery shoppers.

Benefits :
As a mystery shopper, to eat and shop for free at your favorite brands, you can expect to earn anywhere from $300 to $2000 or more a month in cash and freebies.

Payment Mode :
Shoppers are paid once a month either by Check, Paypal, Direct deposit, or Freebies for all approved shops completed in the prior calendar month. 

Joining Fee :
FREE to Join, You will never be charged any fees.

How to Join :
You are our first priority. If you want to be a mystery shopper, you need the service of the best available of all mystery shopping companies. Click Here to become a mystery shopper
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FREE Join Survey Complete
What Is Market Research? Join Here’s one way to think of it: market research is the gathering and studying of data relating to consumer preferences, purchasing power, etc., especially prior to introducing a product on the market.